August, 13, 2005
fart noises! make sure the volume is loud enough!
May 30, 2005
here is the story I wrote.
April 28, 2005
this is why industrial designers should not...not ever...attempt graphic design
April 25, 2005
You think you're so cool? Check this puppy out. {opens in a new window}
April 24, 2005
Did you ever feel like this?
{opens in a new window}
March 20, 2005
I have this weird craving for pickles.
I can't stop eating them.
I'm a pickle-vac.
They're just so perfect.
Love the pickle.
Be the pickle.
March 1, 2005
I am horrified.
In my fiction writing class we have to critique each other's papers, and this idiot girl...wrote her entire comic sans. Six pages of comic sans. And I have to read it. And understand it. And critique it. Without burning it for being SIX PAGES of comic sans. This is truly graphic design hell...
February 20, 2005
no money+friday night+pen and paper=
a very unique date...
mean bird
pooping bird
cart woman
rabid rabbit
yum ant
bird attacking pointy-butt-bee
hypnotic tv
ear bug
killer rabbit
bird lizard barn
hungry ant
sky diver
human eating chicken
butt face
i don't even know
DIRECTIONS: Get one person you like to be around, 2 pens and 2 pieces of paper. Start drawing whatever you want. Call Time in a few minutes. Switch papers. Draw, draw, draw, and switch again. Repeat until you end up with WEIRD stuff. {see above}
December 15, 2004
Sooooo I got a hamster...I mean James and I got a hamster...he is sooo cute. Ladies and Gentleman I would like to introduce you to:
Dexter Futbutt
(he's in my pajama pocket)
November 29, 2004
Before I start working again...I'm going to make a list of all the things I like (in no particular order), just so I remember that everything doesn't suck.
• Christmas
• lots of green lights in a row
• fresh brownies
• my blanket
• James
• puppies
• running around the house karate kicking invisible bad guys (don't tell anyone)
• jumping in a leaf pile
• a really good stretch
• computer games because there's nothing else I have to do
• did I say puppies?
• hot fudge on ice cream
• clean sheets
• Daniel Stephen Wright
November 3, 2004
I went to the fair weekend before last,
but now I wish I could change my past.
I went to the petting zoo to see all the goats,
I was even kind enough to feed them oats.
After visiting my beloved goat friends,
My hands were not well enough cleansed.
I got E. coli,
and wanted to die.
I've made an oath to avoid any goat,
but inspite of my illness I managed to vote.
I've been quarantined and have to miss class,
until all these E. coli bacteria pass.
October 22, 2004
Know what? I got new toothpaste today. It's SO awesome. In fact, if you knew how awesome it was—you'd be crying because you don't have any. It foams so much that I was able to make some fairly realistic rabies faces in the mirror while brushing. Oh yeah, you know you want some.
October 15, 2004
Umbrellas are so funny...everyone looks like a bouncy little mushroom on their way to class in the rain...
August 2, 2004
my dinner remains go to good use...
July 28, 2004
I just got mouth wash in my eye...ow
June 2, 2004
Update: Interning at Metro Productions...yipee!
May 25, 2004
Hey studio people...remember how we couldn't figure out how to get our music to stop skipping in quicktime movies rendered in After Effects? Its a memory problem with the program *not* some mysterious mp3 encoding. All you have to do is render without sound in After Effects. Then import the clip into imovie and add the sound there. Woowoo! Happy playing :-)
May 12, 2004 Summer has begun, I have somehow managed to squeeze all my stuff from my dorm room into my room at home and I can even see the floor still. I still have no idea what I'm doing this summer besides going to the beach a few times. I need a job. I am trying to resist the urge to completely stress out, but God is faithful and He will provide...I have definitely done my part when it comes to job searching so I guess its time to wait...and wait...and wait...Don't you hate waiting? Waiting in line waiting for the elevator waiting to grow up waiting at red is just a bunch of waiting I guess.
May 11, 2004
This is a test. A test to see if I can update my website from home (my current location) this is only a test. Please Please PLEASE work....beeeeeeeeeeeeeep
April 29, 2004
Ok ok I don't quit. I like this whole "web design" thing waayyy to much to let poopy old Dreamweaver get me down! I just need a book called Dealing with the Quirkyness of Dreamweaver... or something like that. Suggestions anyone?
April 15, 2004
Just so you know, I'M NEVER DOING WEBDESIGN EVER AGAIN! Macromedia products are horrible and whoever programmed Dreamweaver should be paper cut from head to toe, soaked in hot sauce and lemon juice and fed to millions of horrible gnawing mice... Honestly, there are so many bugs it this program that it is utterly uesless and not worth anyone's time. Nothing works. I quit.
April 10, 2004
Do you think food considers it an honor to be eaten? Or is it like "NOOOO DON'T EAT ME, AHHHH!!!!" ...Thoughts as I munch my carrots...
March 29, 2004
Today I saw the purple elephant that lives in a cave under my dorm walking down the street with a blue rabbit. They wanted to cross the street so the elephant pushed the cross-walk button. The rabbit didn't wait. She jumped out into the road and got smashed by an on coming Ford Explorer. Blue bunny fur was plastered all over its bumper. The elephant sat down on the curb, completely devastated that his bunny friend was gone...well, not so much gone as stuck to someone's bumper in little pieces.
March 24, 2004
My blog... yeah, well...I only tell my innermost thoughts too a select very few people so its highly unlikely that I'll ever post anything of importance for the whole internet to see...EVER...well, maybe once in a while. Just a heads-up, I'm going to make stuff up. So you'll NEVER KNOW...if its the truth...or NOT.